Can't Create Charactor


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, here's the problem. I log into the server, get to the char selection screen and can't make a name nor read some of the boxes, they seem to be out of place compared to EQlive placement. The tutorial also does not work. I tried to just put all my points into an ability and press next but then EQ freezes. I also tried my friends char, and everything looks normal until the screen either goes pitch black or EQ never loads the world. I am new to Wintersroar and I would love to participate, but it seems I cannot. I saw a message at EQemulators saying don't download EQlive patch it breaks EQ. O ya I cannot move around the help box or the box in back of it which has text about what the charectors race is. Help plz :)
EXACT problem.


i am confused!!!!!!!!!!

I just figured out eqemu, i was able to play 2 other servers, fates destiny, and some weird one, not on lan, and never on this one, today i tried this one again! i got further then usual, i was able to get to the create charactor selection.... "hmmmm i want a bard" i thought! But no. I say half elf, bard, and max charisma and hit next and POOF! (everquest has detected that your client may have crashed! click yes to send info or no to do the same thing yes does.... (little bit of lie....) anyways) i cant create charactors, and i really want to play.... please can we get some help, i click next after setting up my charactor and it CRASHES to desktop.... i also have that problem he has with some of the windows, there blank..... anyways....
Sorry for last post / NEW info

hi, i downloaded the hotfix, sorry for the unneeded post. BUT
i cant even see the " NEXT " button when creating a charactor now, so it didnt really help?.... help me please.... heh
ive got the fix but when i make my character i get to set him up and all but the game crashes when i hit next.....
I did the setup exactly as directed. downloaded the patcher and hotfix into EQ folders. unzipped and patched all the files needed.

Had no problem getting to winter roar server. went to character creation. hit next. client crash.

No idea what to do next.
I got it to work. What I did was the first time I dled my hotfix and unzipped it, it didnt ask me to copy over any files so I thought that was weird. Turns out my everquest folder didnt have all its components in it and I had to repair it and then repatch and then redl the hotfix and this time it asked me to copy over files and I clicked yes to all and boom now it works.
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