Dalayan Beginner
First off hey! :dance: - I haven't played EQ since...oh my gawd 2001? I had a friend who played on THF and P99 and well, they weren't for me. So i stumbled upon SoD and figured it couldn't hurt to give it a shot...Till I hit a wall.
Everything works great except I can't create an account off the front page. I put in my info and when I click "Submit" I'm greeted with a page saying...
Creating Accounts...
Error: Registration denied due to matching a known spambot.
It's embarassing to admit
syduck:, but what am I doing wrong?
- Love the psyduck emote!
Looking forward to returning to EQ -
Thank you so much,
~ Sympathetix
Everything works great except I can't create an account off the front page. I put in my info and when I click "Submit" I'm greeted with a page saying...
Creating Accounts...
Error: Registration denied due to matching a known spambot.
It's embarassing to admit
- Love the psyduck emote!
Looking forward to returning to EQ -
Thank you so much,
~ Sympathetix