Can't Attack the Challenge


Dalayan Beginner
For some reason I'm not able to attack the Challenge in the opening dream zone. Tried logging out and logging back in and trying different new characters. I made sure to go through the dialog with him and tell him 'I am prepared.' but he still doesn't attack and I can't attack him.
Make sure you hail the guy at the beginning and that you have the buff he gives you. I forgot this once and had a similar issue.

I'm pretty sure I did that the first time but just to be sure I tried again and it still doesn't work.

I log in and create a new character.

Then I go up to the first guy by the gate and hail him.

Go through the dialog and he buffs me and then it says my journal has been updated.

I look at the journal entry and it says to find the challenge for my first test (or however it's worded).

Walk the opposite direction of the gate and eventually find and NPC named The Challenge (a barbarian).

I hail him and he asks if I'm ready. I say 'I am prepared.' Then he tells me we're in a fight to the death and if I lose to see the first guy again and if I win then I have completed the challenge. I put on autoattack and then we just stare at each other.

Other players will walk up and say the same thing and then the two will fight. The Challenge will die and then respawn so.. something wrong on my side? I've tried exiting completely, just logging in and out, I've even deleted the patcher and redownloaded it but each time the same thing happens.

EDIT: Also I'm running XP service pack 2 and using Everquest Titanium edition if that's any help
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Yes there is. It tells you about Q being the default auto attack botton. I was pretty sure I went through that but I did it again with a new character just to make sure I've gone through every command prompt possible through both 'the guide' and 'the challenge' but regardless of what I do it seems we can't attack each other.

Edit: Should I post this in the Quest section? Again I've seen other players go through the challenge in front of me so it doesn't seem to be something wrong with the quest in general... just something wrong with what I'm doing so I posted this in the tech support thread.
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