Cannot play as SK,Warrior or Shaman


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all.

I just installed shards and everything seems to be runnin as smooth as icing on a cake. I used to play this all the time with my cousin but I stopped around 2008 sometime and just recently he asked me to play again with my friend and him. I set everything up and even played as my old character for a few before retreating back to the character creation screen to make a shadow knight. Then I got these messages :

Shadow Knight : ERROR : String not found. (3328)
Shaman : ERROR : String not found. (3329)
Warrior : ERROR : String not found. (3330)

Everything else seems fine, I can be any race, and all the other classes. Unfortunately, I'm the tank of our new group. Does anyone have any clues or tips?

Although I'm still curious why I can't choose these classes, all I have to do is click the race I want to be until it randomly chooses the right class.

Go self. *cabbage patch ftw*
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