Cannot find Zone nightmareB


Dalayan Beginner
ANybody else having an issue loading the game?
i can get into the game, create a character, but once i click enter world it says it cannot find the zone??
any ideas? its probably a ridiculously easy solution :)

from dbg = [Thu Nov 02 15:13:52 2006]00535:ERROR: Unable to find specified world file [C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\nightmareb.s3d] (221, nightmareb). Not starting world display.

[Thu Nov 02 15:13:52 2006]00536:StartWorldDisplay() is bailing out: EverQuest cannot find the zone file 'nightmareb' in the directory that you are currently running EverQuest from. Please check and make sure that you do not have more than one directory with EverQuest installed. If so, you may be running from the wrong directory. For assistance with this problem, please call (858) 537-0898, or visit our website at

Re-Patch EQLive, and click Advanced, and make sure you check all the expansions up to LDoN.

When that is done, Re-Patch SoD running the patcher, clicking advanced, click repatch all, then Patch and Run.
I also found that from where SOE went to that standalone patcher, I think there was an option when you first DLed it to have a standalone copy of the EQ directory. I found my nightmareb file in "c:\program files\**** online entertainment\everquest" NOT IN "c:\program files\****\everquest". that might just be me, but maybe it will help someone.
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