Cannot Establish a Connection


Dalayan Beginner
The past day or two I haven't been able to establish a connection with the login server. I run the patcher and it patches (just got some new files the last time I ran it) and I start EQW and run EQ. I get the the screen with my account name and pw, type in my pw and hit enter. It gives me the "Establishing connection with server" message, but it never actually connects. This is confusing to me since I would think if I could get patches I would be connected to the server at one point already.

Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? And is there anything I can do about it?
Hmm. . .my firewall is disabled, but I'm on a college campus so I have no control over the router. What would be wrong with the router that it would suddenly stop letting me connect?
Well I can connect again, for now. Looks like while I'm at school I'll just have to cope with occasionally not being able to get on. Thanks for the replies.
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