cannot connect to any SoD hosted places


Dalayan Elder
Having to type this on my phone.

During the day I can play just fine. However on my desktop connection (cable line 6mbps download, 0.5mbps upload, no wireless) in the evening of CST I start to get massive lag with my latency bar staying over 50%. Eventually I lose all connection to SoD. I cannot connect to the patcher, server select,, or mumble.

All other aspects of my internet are working fine. It is only things on the SoD server I cannot connect to. This has been going on for a week at the most.

Is anyone else experiencing this and have you figured out how to fix it?
Does SoD rely on java? I'm noticing a lot of failures to connect to websites that rely on it. Cannot even connect to Java's download
Run pathping or tracert to the SoD server and see what you get.

I really don't think SoD relies on Java....I would be terribly wrong if so, but I highly doubt it.

EDIT: Their gateway/firewall maybe the only thing you can actually get a reply from, if it allows ICMP replies to the outside world. I wouldn't allow that because of DoS attacks, but who knows.
Just a side note. Cable uses a shared connection. There is only so much bandwidth on each node. It is well known that peek hours are in the evening when kids are out of school and adults are home from work.

DSL, does NOT share any bandwidth. It's a dedicated connection to a huge backbone.
OH AND! I have cable internet. 20Mb down and 5 Mb up. I see it slow down in the evenings too....but nothing like what you are seeing. Mine actually bursts to about 40Mb....which is nice.
Bandwidth issues wouldn't make any sense as I cannot even connect to the main webpage during the bad hours. Yet I could still stream on YouTube, open Facebook, and listen to grooveshark.

It is so frustrating because it is not just the game. It is everything hosted by SoD. I'm hoping it is something caused by SoD staff so maybe they can find and fix it.

I'll look into your suggestion about pathping when I get home.
Ya bro....other than tracert and pathping....I am not sure.

Oh....try using another DNS. or something like that. It used to be owned by one of the Bells, and now I think that DNS is owned by ATT. Sometimes establishing a different route will help, but be warned! It might affect other things when you do that.
I've had the exact same thing happen to me a few times, internet was working fine but couldn't connect to SoD anything. I don't know about any fix though because I just turned my computer off and went to sleep and it worked the next night
With tonight it is four nights in a row.

Called cable company. Changing DNS did nothing. They said the problem is with windstream and that is has been going on for a few days. They have an unofficial eta of 1-3 days
With tonight it is four nights in a row.

Called cable company. Changing DNS did nothing. They said the problem is with windstream and that is has been going on for a few days. They have an unofficial eta of 1-3 days

I just moved and my net isn't hooked up. What is Windstream?
With tonight it is four nights in a row.

Called cable company. Changing DNS did nothing. They said the problem is with windstream and that is has been going on for a few days. They have an unofficial eta of 1-3 days

I gotcha. No matter what, the ISP you are using have their OWN will ALWAYS hit there stuff first, but if you change the DNS setting in your OS, your OS will place that information into the packet being sent out and should hit the ISP DNS, then that will direct the packet to the DNS information encapsulated. I believe I am right.....

I know it DOES make a difference if you input a DNS that is across the country.

However in this have to go through their DNS and that crappy other service that is failing. It's a total bummer when something out there on the net breaks and you can't do anything about it. You would figure your ISP would have other routes available. The turds!
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