Can someone relocate my character please???


Dalayan Beginner
I went on Haunted Treant raid recently and bound near the treant in case I died I could get back into the fight right away then forgot to move my bind point after raid. I can't login anymore without treant stomping me into the ground repeatedly. I know it was stupid of me to forget to move bind, but now I am stuck. Please relocate Fenilin away from the Haunted Treant or move his bind point out of range. Thank you.
you'll probably get a quicker response this way. Create a 2nd character...doesen't matter what. Log in with that and petition to get the primary character moved. They will see it faster with /petition than posting here.
Woo Hoo. I petitioned with an alt for a move and got super fast service. It took a week on live to have the same kind of move done. Thanks to all both in game and out who tried to help with this.
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