BUG: Charm Spell


Dalayan Beginner
While playing today I ran accross a very inconvienent issue.

After releasing a charmed pet it's hp returns to 100% even if it was at something like 80%.

As soon as I recharm the pet it's hp returns to the way it was while I had it charmed.

Very problematic :/
It is not a bug, it was implemented like that so you don't charm a creature and then send it on another, your pet killing the other mob while pet is on like 10%, then you realease pet and nuke it one time for doubble the exp.
Now, if you recharm the mob it will go back to the % health it had when it was last charm to prevent a free heal.
And like they said, this isn't the place to report bugs, use the bug report page through the homepage.
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