Hi there i dont know if i post this in the right place :? prolly not and i am sorry about it
Well heres my problem i bought the Walk of the beast BST spell and used it once and since there my style lvl 20 (spiritual Guardian) doesnt work anymore
i hit my hot key for that style and the text! (Sshrak retreat behind its warder) appear, i let pet build aggro with (pet proc spell) till mobs get to 70% of health i approch the mob without attacking it and he turn on me and hit me.
im not playing my main till that happen cause i dont like to be my pet personal healer, i like to melee with pet tanking but i cant anymore.
the problem seem to be only on my character cause other bst i talked too dont have the problem.
Well maybe i made something accidentaly that deactivate the style or something or maybe im just a Dummie :censored: but i would like some help on that so i can play my main again thx alot .
Well heres my problem i bought the Walk of the beast BST spell and used it once and since there my style lvl 20 (spiritual Guardian) doesnt work anymore
im not playing my main till that happen cause i dont like to be my pet personal healer, i like to melee with pet tanking but i cant anymore.
the problem seem to be only on my character cause other bst i talked too dont have the problem.
Well maybe i made something accidentaly that deactivate the style or something or maybe im just a Dummie :censored: but i would like some help on that so i can play my main again thx alot .