bst/nec vs. bst/ench


Dalayan Beginner
I'm thinking about boxing another toon with my beastlord regularly . I'm either going to go with beastlord/necromancer or beastlord/enchanter. Any advice or pros and con's between these two options would be appreciated. Thanks.
Necro would be much better imo. FD pulls, better wipe recoveries (FD/rez), much better duo dps.

Chanter is neat for a number of other reasons (in general higher raid need, buffs, crowd control) but these won't outshine a necro while duoing.
Necromancer from a purely duo perspective. They can mez, root, fear, FD split, do more DPS, snare, kite things, not have to worry about gettin rekt every 8 minutes. Enchanters have the advantage of buffing the beastlord and longer lasting CC, but its not really worth it. All I have to say is that if I had to farm exp and money again, I would NOT be doing it with an enchanter.
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