Broken Quest?


Dalayan Beginner
I have been doing the newbie Iksar beastlord quests and have gotten to the fourth one, which asks for a leash from the escaped wolf, a leash from the escaped tiger, and hands from the escaped vah shir trainer (I'm assuming this is the stationary one and not the wandering mob). I have been told today in /ooc that the quest was broken because the Vah Shir does not drop the hands. I personally have killed the Vah Shir and have not had the pleasure of looting the hands either, so, my question is this: Is the quest broken and the hands not dropping? Or am I just impatient and need to kill it a few more times? =) Thank you very much.
I'm still trying to get the froglok caster robe, and have yet to see one drop. Now unless I'm hunting the wrong casting mobs, which of the frogloks does it drop off of? The apprentice and novice?
They drop off the caster mobs inside Meil A...Neophytes or whatever =) Just kill by the zone in for a while and you should find it sooner or later.
Thanks Tempus and Ymmijj! I've obviously been hunting the wrong mobs... again.
Is the 2nd part of the starting Paladin Quest in Underhill broken? I've cleared all the skells 86 times now, and STILL no pop. Please check on this for me. UPDATE: I started a new Dwarven Paladin and moved him to the Dragon Skeleton as soon as I hit level 5. I have Dinged TWICE now on nothing but clearing skells and STILL no pop. What's going on?
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