Breaking the ice


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I've fooled around with a few characters and read through the wiki quite a bit. I must say, I'm quite impressed! It seems like a lot of work has been put into this server over the years and I look forward to making some friends.
I played Live for 3 years. My main char was a bard. That was back before everyone realized how awesome bards were and they got nerfed. Now everyone and their sister has a bard and it just doesn't feel the same. I played a bard because I wanted a challenge and I wanted to be different.
This time I think I'm going to be an enchanter named Dalayama. Please feel free to look me up soon as I'd love to make friends and possibly find a guild.
Dalayama said:
Well, I've fooled around with a few characters and read through the wiki quite a bit. I must say, I'm quite impressed! It seems like a lot of work has been put into this server over the years and I look forward to making some friends.
I played Live for 3 years. My main char was a bard. That was back before everyone realized how awesome bards were and they got nerfed. Now everyone and their sister has a bard and it just doesn't feel the same. I played a bard because I wanted a challenge and I wanted to be different.
This time I think I'm going to be an enchanter named Dalayama. Please feel free to look me up soon as I'd love to make friends and possibly find a guild.
enchantering was by far the most fun i had on SoD. you had so many nifty tricks and toys and ideas, and wierd stuff you could do.
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