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Dalayan Beginner
Hi all.

I am an Old EQ player, from launch all the way to Planes of Power (no old jokes please), played EQ2 for about 3 months, Played WoW for a couple of years, Played AOC until a couple weeks ago, and now I have Warhammer to mess with.

I happen to run across an ad for the new EQ expansion and got the idea to go back and see what the old EQ community was up too and what was new. While messing around (surfing the web at work) I came across SoD. I have been reading must of the main site and trolling the forums for the last hour or so.

First off, awesome work on the community you have built guys.

I have a couple of questions.

What is the community like for east coast player (number wise during nights and weekends)?

What is the server population from lvl 1-20 20-60 and so on? Really I just wanted to know if there is enough people on to do low and mid level content with? Even if the population physically is there do those levels actually play content or do most lower level power level up to 80 in order to do high level content only?

Has EQ changed since my day? There would be no way to solo back when I played past level 10 really, at least not even level mobs like new gen MMOs?

My worry here is that I don't want to invest allot of time and fun and get stuck at a mid level with no content to play and no groups, So I am trying to get a feel for the community here.

I am sure just a general answer will hit all of that so no need to break each one down. Thanks and Hello to all again, I hope to join you guys soon.
Lots of good questions. I'll start the ball.

First things first, be aware this is a custom server, not a private server. In other words ALOT is

East coast has a very solid player base, perhaps too solid, with no less than 4 major raiding guilds competing at some of the upper tiers. You should have no trouble finding other people one during your usual play times. I believe peak time is around 7:00pm EST. Peak is around 400 players, with most estimates saying 20-25% of them are boxed (see below).

This server is top heavy, but there are always new people coming in, and old folk rolling alts, particularly with the recent addition of the Vah race (remember things are different here). However I've never started an alt and not been able to group up moving forward. 45-55 can be a rough patch though.

To help yourself out, you can consider boxing your own partner. This server allows you to play 2 characters at once if you so desire; there is very little reason not to do this if you are a melee. Also due to grouping bonuses, there is no exp difference in a group of 2 - 6 people. I find this gives most other 2 boxers a, 'may as well invite them' attitude in most places.

As an int caster, you can easily solo 1 - 65 (max level here), though due to that group bonus mentioned above, it will always be faster and more effiecent to group. There are a ton of quests at most level ranges, and almost every class/race combo has a progressive newbie quest that rewards you with enough cash and good items to get by Check here for a good write up on them. A healer or melee should box the other, since soloing, while doable for everyone but a rogue, is just not that fun.

Finally, other random tidbits. We have a VERY active GM/Dev staff, probably the most active you'll find outside of a MUD. As such there is almost always someone paying attention for riff raff and naming policy violations. Bans are handed out often enough, but fairly, and you can appeal. We have a player run wiki, that I've linked to already. It's the best resource for the game, and you should definitely make liberal use of it Main Wiki Page. And remember, alot is different here. It may look the same, but otherwise you'll be in for some nice surprises.
Played around a bit last night. Pretty cool fellas. I need to spend some quality time getting adjusted :) I forgot about the upgrade graphics from Luclin! I was like man, I dunno if I can get into these graphics. I read around the forums and learned how to turn all the models on, much better now.

Anyhow see ya around, say hey if you see a woodelf ranger named Duskrunner.
Welcome to the server.

I see most of your questions are answered. FYI, max level is 65. I think that most try to get to 65 as soon as possible since much of the server population is that level and it is easier to get groups.

Some pause at level 57 so that they can raid one of the adepts (wiki Adept, if you are not familiar with it. A lot of fun and Adepts have the best drops at mid-levels).

Treasure Maps are a great way to gear up for the non-twinked character. (Wiki it)

Boxing is quite common and may be the way you need to go, if your computer can handle it.

Newbie guild is recommended for a while so that you can ask questions. Most of the guilds are 65+ and leans towards raiding to some degree.

And do the main quest. And I consider the Newport Ring quest to be essential. Both quests can be started at lower levels and give you a reward that is improved as you progress in the quests.

Wiki and fomelo are your friend.
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