Thank you, I am duoing DE SK and Cleric with an alternate stand in Duo of a Woodelf Druid. I found the wiki, wrote down the level 1-20 quests that appealed to me for these 3 characters. I've had some help with Adepts also, ( guys are awesome) which has changed my entire outlook for the game. With a bit more staying power I feel more confident to take on tougher adventures.
As a new player, I went ahead and tried to get my SK as good as possible for these early levels, and the same for my DE Cleric and Druid. Being able to exist in most cities without getting smacked down by guards is a boon. My toons range from level 11-13 and im already siking myself up to take on the level 14 adept and get my druid to the level 12s before its to late for her.
If you want to group up, just say hello to Venris the DE SK, Venresa the DE Cleric, or Venresaria the Wood Elf Druid.