Bounty Hunting suggestions


Dalayan Beginner
Some thoughts on updating the bounty system that were discussed in discord today. Adding more bounties at each rank and rewards that would encourage players of all tiers to engage in bounty hunting thus creating more groups. Additional R3 dailies were suggested but I think there should be 2 R2s per day but am open to discussion on this topic. The one thing that immediately come to mind are charm credits. Worked out well in hate. Got a lot of older players in that zone and created some groups that you wouldn't normally have.

Adding in quest items that are no longer viable for the current raiding community to clear. This was mentioned by Deein on discord and I've heard it before. Adding archaic frags, relics, ancients, and perhaps some additional quest items. Most of the bounty gear ends up being around T8? So why not offer quest rewards up to that tier through bounties. I'm looking at items that are 1) spells qps that are well below the current raiding tier of the server 2) using bounties as a catch up mechanic for new players and alts 3) supplementing raiding for these quest items.

I see bounties as a great way to add great catch up mechanics while making people play/work for their achievements without having to join a guild. Then spend hours farming the same mobs every 12-24hrs for a chance at something.
being able to get ED maps from bounties would be cool.

also fairly certain this is the wrong forum for this post, should be under Suggestions and Requests
Oops about posting in the wrong forums. I'm sure someone will delete/move this post soon enough if it's a problem.

ED maps idk if I agree with. They added the tailoring system in to fix that issue.
Is alignment really that big of an issue for people? I just did the slaves quest in FoB multiple times to fix mine, wasn't all that difficult and only took me ~6 clears to finish 16-20%. Still instead of one use alignment items, I'd rather see new bounties of possible Rank 4 that send you to the lower raid zones to kill its citizens for tokens/alignment/charm credit. I mean other than Earth for salves, Shout of Agony, or relic hunting, no one really kills in those zones anymore.
I would say there are plenty of alignment quests to fix that. R4 bounties would be something to revitalize those old raid zones. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't most raid zones repop every 12 hours? That might create a problem if multiple groups want to get the bounty. R4s could be a bi-weekly reset giving hunters 3-4 days to complete
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