Bloggo's shield quest


Dalayan Beginner
Bloggo, in oggok, says he will make a shield for you if you bring the supplies needed to him. He says he gives you an order slip to give to Salanth for an Ash Board. He never gives you an order slip or anything else. I tried to do this quest anyways, and went out and got the other component needed for the quest. I gave the obsidian slab to the smith in oggok like bloggo says too and he gave me back the obsidian in its finished form(forgot what it was called exactly). Then i went to salanth to try to acquire the ash board, i tried used various phrases and keywords without success. So then i decided to give salanth the finished obsidian i got back from the smith. This worked to get Salanth talking about the ash board, and he told me what to do to get the board from him, but he kept my obsidian piece. I went and collected the items Salanth wanted for the ash board and turned them into him. He gave me an ash board but still didnt return my obsidian piece. So i went back and got another obsidian slab from obsidian mountains and went back to the smith in oggok. The smith will not accept another obsidian slab from me so i cant get a fisnihed piece of obsidian again. So i seem to be stuck on this quest. Either i did something wrong or this is bugged. Has anyone finished this quest?
Should I recieve a slip from Bloggo when I start this quest? I hailed Blooggo and he said the following.

You say, 'Hail, Bloggo'

Bloggo says, 'Bloggo has shields, protect you good! Bloggo even make you a special shield if you want.'

- [A special shield, hmm?]

You say, 'A special shield, hmm?'

Bloggoy says, 'It a very special shield. You need to get an ash board for da backing, and a slab of obsidian for the front of da shield. You can get da ash board from Salanth... here, me give you an order slip for it. Da slab of obsidian comes from gargoyles in da mountains. When you get it, you take it to da Smith Glurb... he work it into what's needed. You bring da ash board and obisidan plating to Bloggo and me make da shield.'

I didn't receive anything from Bloggo. I see that Salanth is a dark elf fletching vendor and he does sell an ash board item to use in fletching. Should I buy the fletching item or is there something I should be saying or giving to Salanth for the ash board item?
the ash board won't work, already tried it, figured it may have been a typo lol. Apparently you need an order slip which bloggo is supposed to give you but does not.
Ok heres the deal so far with this quest, sorry to dbl post but wanted to bump it in case anyone has been following it. Basically you can get the ash board from salanth if you give him the obsidian metal plating. Unfortunately he does not give it back, and tells you to get 8 chalices. Upon giving him the chalices you get the ash board. Unfortunately the smith will not make you another obsidian metal plating.
I was able to complete the quest with the help of a GM. I talked with an op in irc:// I explained the situation, that I had gathered the pieces, but did not want to turn my Obsidian Plate into Salanth and lose the piece without talking with a GM. The op told me to go ahead and turn in the Obsidian Plate to see what Salanth required for the Ash Board.

When you hand Smith Glurb the Obsidian Slab , he will say,

" What dis? Oh, yuz da person Bloggo said he was sendin'. Wait here, Glurb shape dis into da plating for yuz.. finished! Here yuz go."

You recieve Obsidian Plating from Smith Glurb.

When you hail Salanth, he will only say,

" I am the only operating fletcher in Oggok. Fortunately, I also happen to be the best fletcher in Dalaya."

If you give Salanth your Obsidian Plating, he will say,

Salanth says,'What?! Has Bloggo gone mad? Ash is a very expensive wood... I Don't go handing it out to any randomb person that comes by and asks for it. You're going to have to earn it. Let me see here... ah, that's a pretty good exchange I think. Listen, I have a pretty steep debt with the bank of Oggok. Business has been pretty hard lately, so I took out a loan... the problem is I haven't been able to make the cash back just yet. But! I know of a few old valuables you might be able to get your hands on, that will help me barter my way out of paying that loan entirely."

-[Eh? What are these valuables?]

You say, 'Eh? What are these valuables?'

Salanth says, "The tal'yan have very rare and valuable chalices lying around the temlple of Yaralith. If you could get your hands on say, eight of them, it may help me get out of this debt. I'll gladly exchange an ash board for them."

The Tal'Yan Chalice are magic, no drop items. When you zone into Yaraliths first open court yard, go to the door on the left, ground level. The tunnel will lead to the left, then make a right going towards a small temple on the map. Through the temple door, there are three directions, take the door on the right. Through this door, there is another door. Through this door there will be two Tal'Yan Knights, behind them is a small table. On the table should be a chalice laying on it's side. The Tal'Yan Chalice are ground spawn. Once you pick one up, just wait awhile and it should respawn in a bit. If you go up a level. there will be two more Tal'Yan Knights with two more Tal'Yan Chalice behind them. A roaming Tal'Yan Knight will come through this area as well. Stick around, get your eight Tal'Yan Chalice and head back to Oggok. You can turn in the Chalice stacked. Turn in the eight Tal' Yan Chalice to Salanth and,

Salanth says, "You did your part like asked, now I suppose I'll uphold my end of the bargain. Here's the ash board... let's hope these chalices bring me a pretty penny, eh?

You gain experience!!

You recieve Ash Board from Salanth.

The Ash Board is lore item, no drop. I was able to talk to an op in irc, who talked to a GM, and I recieved back my Obsidian Plating. I went to Bloggo, and turned in my Obsidian Plating and Ash Board.

Bloggo says," Oh dat good. Let me make you da shield... put da board down and hammer da plating on like dis... and smash it good like dat... and der finished! Here you go, hope you like da special shield."

You gain experience!!

You recieve Obsidian Tower Shield from Bloggo

The stats of the shield are

Obsidian Tower Shield

AC: 23
STR: +4 WIS: +4 INT: +4 HP: +30
WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE
Race: ALL
Slot1, type 2: empty

The graphics on the shield are of a regular Tower Shield. I'm a Shadowknight, so the shield is a great reward. I had an extra piece of Obsidian Slab from doing my Starfall Questing, and I'd spent some time in Yaralith, so gathering the components wasn't too diffiicult. Hope this helps anyone attempting this quest.
Hey guys, just thought I would add another post to this issue.

I did exactly what Aleax had done, including a /log and screenshots, with the same result. Salanth has kept the Obsidian plate, and gave me the ash board.

I petitioned in order to have my plate returned, but I was asked by GM-Meophii to place a post here as he was not equipped to handle quest issues at this time.

The items are on my wife's cleric Kynd at the moment, and if someone is able to help her to complete it as Aleax did I would be very grateful. Thanks very much. :)


PS. I was wondering if I should petition this again in game at some stage, as I do not want her to get in trouble for petitioning about a quest.
Petitioning eaten items is supposed to be ok as far as the petitioning eula said when I did it. Is the only quest problem which is ok to petition.
Thanks Vista, that's what I thought also, as Wiz stated in his policy on lost quest items that they would be reimbursed.

I didn't want to do so again though after being instructed not to by one of the other GMs. I'm busy working on faction for the MQ/Heartlands quests for now, so I'll leave it a little longer I guess.

I even got her another obsidian slab heh, but the smith wont accept it as she has already done that step. :)
I saw Xeldan in irc today, and he has fixed the quest!

<Xeldan> He'll give out a slip if you don't have the flag from salanth as handing in the slip(obsidian plating previously)
<Xeldan> Since the slip isn't needed other than to get the info from Salanth

Talk to Bloggo again, he should give you a slip to continue the quest. Hope this helps people complete the quest.
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