Blocked Ports in Afghanistan


Dalayan Beginner
I'm currently serving in Afghanistan and found out I have a decent amount of time in between missions to relax a good bit. I'm trying to get back on SoD to play a bit but I can't connect to the login server after patching and everything. I've reinstalled everything on the computer just to be sure it wasn't on my end, but everything was installed according to the guides on here. Other guys are able to connect to WoW and Final Fantasy Online just fine so I know it's not restrictive of online games. I've searched alot through through these threads but haven't found much to help me. I can't download a program to change the proxy as that site is blocked from our wifi permissions. After speaking with one of the admins, it appears that the issue would be a blocked port used to keep other types of programs from being run. Unfortunately, I'm not very tech savvy when it comes to networking so I'm going to have to figure out as much information as I can in order to hopefully resolve this issue. If anyone can help me find the information as to exactly how to connect to the server and through what channel(s), I'd really appreciate it.
I'm not completely sure but I think you might be able to do it through a VPN? In looking at some google searches it didn't seem like there was anything you could do to the client itself to remedy the problem if your admins are unwilling to unblock the port ranges.
Hey Gerick. My bad on not clarifying. The admins are willing to work with me to try and troubleshoot the issue. I just need to find what ports need to be unblocked first.
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