Blackscale OSM - Befriending the Liodreth


Dalayan Elder
I've been working on my blackscale quests the past couple of days and one of the quests is to Befriend the liodreth. To do so, you kill starfall gnolls to get to indifferent. But to get to ally, the wiki says you turn in Deepwater paws to Greold of Paw. When I hail him, he gives me three options:
-[D1] i wish to help you further
-[D2] Could you tell me about your history?
-[D3] I come from the Order of the Blackscale. We wish and alliance.

The first one yields no response, and this is how you would get quests to get to allied faction with the liodreth. The second and third choices yield him saying "no." or "You have not proven yourself to that degree. Keep working and we will consider it." Both of these I am assuming require Allied faction, thus completely breaking him, as they both rely on the first choice to actually work.

Please look into this, I spent 3 hours camping starfall gnolls to get to indifferent faction, I don't want that to be a waste.
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