Black Screen


Dalayan Beginner
Dam for some reson i cant get pass the black screen after i try to log on my chartecter i done everything i been told to do , from replacing the help files ,to messing around with my UI Files i dont know what esle to try can someone walk me throw a step by step of what i should do to get pass this , i been trying this for the pass 3 days now and still notthin can someone plz help me out with this :? :( :?
Isnt step b4 "OPTIONAL: Download EQW here to play in a windowed mode. Note that you MUST use OUR version of EQW, newer versions will NOT work. i thought this was optional and was not needed to run WR ?
i tried replacing the help files , i even did it manuly by deleting the old ones and replacing them with the help files i got from WR and still dosent work :? :mad: :?
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