Beastlord Warder Change


Dalayan Adventurer
I'd like to say that this seems like a really cool idea that allows for some personalization of an individual character. I have just one question about it. From the description on the front page:

While we are still working on some aspects of this, we have a fun aesthetic change that happened to be completed early.

(emphasis mine)

Is this change purely aesthetic as the description on the front page says? The dialog options I get from talking to the Primalist seem to heavily imply a change in gameplay from the descriptions of the different warder options. For something that looks like a one-time, permanent, character-altering choice, I think it'd be important to know what ramifications there are from choosing any of the options over another option.

Thanks for your hard work on the beastlord class!
I would imagine any stat ramification may be a choice we can make in the future as well? This is a terrific surprise to wake up to though! Unfortunately I am seeing a skunk instead of the leech I chose...but sure it will get ironed out soon.

Thanks for the treat, you guys are excellent!
I can't imagine pets would provide differing benefits, it would be a nightmare to balance them against each other.
Balancing aside, any time a mechanical benefit is attached to something that's meant to be a personalization/variety choice the choice becomes no choice at all.
I guess the text differs between races, because when I was choosing my warder(Iksar), the text boiled down to 'This is what this thing looks like. You want it or not?'

It seems pretty clear it's purely aesthetic. They'd have to alter a lot of stuff and toss in a huge number of new pets to make there be any distinction between them.
Purely aesthetic. There is some very vague flavor dialog about the bear being strong and the bunny being quick et al but the choice is purely aesthetic.
Great thanks! It seems like a pretty cool flavor addition, and maybe another reason for someone to pick beastlord.
Hey do you actually have to go to your original guildmaster? Because that seems problematic
Since I dont have SoD installed anymore what are all the options? I didn't see them on the beastlord wiki page
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Truly. So, are there 3 different/more badass models for runic 2 pet? Or do runic 2 pets now just look like whatever vanity pet you pick but bigger?
R2 bunny is the same model as the regular bunny. If it is bigger than the regular bunny, it's not by much. One of the reasons I picked bunny was the convenience of never having to shrink it again.
Changes like these that are aesthetically pleasing boost the enjoyment of the game so much. Proof that not everything has to be discussed in terms of balancing and game-breaking incremental increases to stats or dps or tomes or procs. Everything is simply much more bad-ass and fun when you don't still hate the way your character or pet looks after years and years.
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