Beastlord Pet DPS


Dalayan Beginner
I am curious what kind of DPS others are getting out of their pets.

If you are a Beastlord, please provide level or tier and the dps of your pet, if you know. Companion Strength would be nice to know too. I currently use a CS6 but was using the Thurg item (CS4) I just want to see how my pet does compared to others.

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mine seems to be slightly under that (like 80-120), but i sometimes forget to rebuff it during long raids and you might have more tomes
Raiding tier 5 stuff. Pet had 2 high end mage weapons and CS5 with full raid buffs and haste. At the end of the night, pet averaged 64 dps. I have seen it go as high as about 90 DPS.
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