Beastlord Newbie Quest issues


Dalayan Beginner
Well, for the second part of the beastlord newbie quests in Halas you need items that drop from white rabbits.
Unfortunately all the white rabbits in Everfrost are mysteriously invulnerable.
They don't move and they cannot be hurt.

I made a post about this in the technical support forum, but I thought I might attract more attention if I put it in the right place.
Easter Lottery fallout I bet.
Lots of little white rabbits were used for the lottery...
As a side note...none of them were harmed during filming.
I'll take a look at it after work today if no one else does. Will be an easy fix for whoever gets to it.
Its fixed!
...Except now there's a new problem.
The rabbits seem to have stopped spawning entirely.
I dunno if they just have a ridiculously long respawn or if I'm looking in the wrong place or what.
But if it is a long respawn, you might wanna consider making them spawn more often.
As is, the beastlord newbie quests hardly seem worth all this waiting.
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