Beastlord Halas Nooby Armor


Dalayan Beginner
in working these quests my progress stalled out due to the fact that there are no rabbits in everfrost.

i was online almost all day yesterday leveling and never saw a single rabbit.

the community generally stated that rabbits spawn all over as roamers, but i cleared roamers in the tundra and in the mountains for hours on end and did not see a single rabbit.

rabbit sinews and skins are needed for the first piece of the nooby armor quests for barbarian beastlords.

if you have a chance to look at this, i would greatly appreciate it.
it appears that a great deal of time was put into these quests by the developpers and it would be a shame if a mere rabbit prevented me from advancing down the quest line.

thank you for your time.

caileandarkness said:
I'm having the exact same problem right now. Working on a quest but not a rabbit in sight.

kill other roaming mobs, I am pretty sure lots of the wanderers share spawns out in the tundra.
caileandarkness said:
I'm having the exact same problem right now. Working on a quest but not a rabbit in sight.

when i was running through Everfrost i saw 1 single rabbit in the plains part (big flat open surface) so they do exist, albeit rare, but i havent hunted them so i dont know how rare.
dang waskily wabbits

Here is it Level 8 and all i have done is hunt in everfrost and have not seen ONE, single fuzzball. Even at 3 am when there's only me and a lvl 50 even in the zone.
When i first read this thread, I thought it was weird that OP could not find rabbits. I play more Barbs than anything else, so I've done more than my fair share of hunting in EF. I have never NOT seen rabbits out in the "tundra", although they always did seem to be localized. The area by the northern guard outpost, and just across the river from that by the elite orc camp, I have always seen several furballs running around.

But apparently the devs\admins heard you, cause now I am seeing rabbits in the beginner hunting grounds in front of the ramp leading to Halas.
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