Beads of Lava vendor price


Dalayan Beginner
Beads of Lava droppable item from Lurking Lava, the mob in the lava pit near Living Lava, seems to have a vendor price that is a bit too low I think. The current vendor price is 60p 2g 1s 7c and the stats are:

Slot: Neck
AC: 5
Focus Effect: Affliction Enhancement IV
Str: +7 Dex: +7 Sta: +9 Cha: +7 Int: +7 HP: +45 Mana: +30
+3 to all saves
recco 35
wt: .4 size: small

Considering the difficulty required to get this item and the impressive focus effect and decent stats I was wondering if this vendor price shouldn't be raised a bit?
I believe it was mentioned in another post that FG would have the vendor prices increased, but that other zones were being worked on right now.
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