Bard song Icons


Dalayan Beginner
Just started playing my Brd. and really like it. But i was wondering how come i dont get all the Brd song icons in the Brd song window. Currently at lv. 9 and playing Jonthan's Whistling Warsong+Hymm of Restoration ( my 2 poss. songs) than i play my Cords of Dissonce ( my one [1] neg. song) for which i see no icon for it in the Brd song window. I have checked everything poss. to see if it is on my end (options/display/etc/etc) but have not figured it out and its really driving my nuts because i cant see if it working. I know it is when im fighting. But in the end it would be really helpful to see some sort of Brd song graphic particals. I see the spell graphic particals but not the Brd particals.

Any help here would be nice, thank you.
Chords of Dissonance is an offensive PBAoE song that does a small DoT for 3 ticks... there is no buff icon for it that appears in the song window for the same reason there is no buff icon that appears on the player's buff bar for a wizard's nukes or a necromancer's DoTs.

Hope this helps.
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