Bard clarification


Dalayan Beginner
So I've read the wiki, and understand about the 2 positive/2 negative songs, but I still have some questions regarding some changes to the class.

And I didn't see anything on search, but if there is a thread, then please, close/delete/direct me to the page as you see fit!
And no, I am not going to complain about how it was "way better the other way", so don't worry!

But some general observations that I have noticed that I don't fully understand.

I recall when I played waaay back in the day, "You miss a note, bringing your song to a close" spamming my chat window constantly as a low level, tone deaf newbie bard. But here, it rarely happens. Aside from the limitations of the 2/2 song combo, has there also been a change to the fundamental nature of casting bard songs?

Also, it seems like the casting timer window is completely useless, as the song seems to be successful whether or not the casting bar has properly displayed the casting time from start to finish, or appears then disappears upon attempting to cast, making it look like a failed casting. (If my explanation of that doesn't make sense, then I'm sorry, but I'm referring to the window that opens that visually displays the casting time when you start a spell). Is this just a side effect of putting a limitation on how bard songs were originally intended to be used?

Also, I DID see a thread about the spam of "You song has ended" on search, but not really any sort of explanation. What happened to the bard song messages? The "You whistle a warsong",or whatever it was, and other custom messages for the songs (I can't really remember what they said, it's been years). I mean, it confused the hell out of me at first with the "Your song has ended", when in fact, no, the song has not ended. (I have already turned the filter on to remove this useless message).

The 2 positive songs are now, effectively, constant now, right? You cast them, there's no need to keep casting, they are infinite until you /cm endsong, or zone?

Also, I might as well ask, out of curiosity, what is it the caused the change to the system? I said I wouldn't complain about "how it was better the other way", and I'm not, but I'm just curious. Was it deemed unbalancing or something?

I completely understand the need to change some aspects of the original game to fit SoD's needs, from both a creative standpoint, and from the simple fact that the original is designed to be played with thousands of people, as opposed to the hundreds found here, and the adjustments to make it work on a smaller scale.

Sorry for the questions, I'm sure I'm not the only person to come on the boards saying "I remember this, but now it's new?". I have all these years of bard knowledge built up in my head that need to be broken down and reformed to fit the changes to SoD, otherwise they'll interfere with what I "think" a bard should be like, versus the SoD reality, I want to enjoy SoD without this interference.
One thing to also note as you're leveling is that even offensive DD songs still take up a "slot" so once you hit 18 and are alternating CoD and DDD, you can't throw in a bellow without cancelling one of the DoTs. Boo for devs making us less OP ;)

On the other hand, I guess I don't really need to juggle three instruments like I did on live.
One thing to also note as you're leveling is that even offensive DD songs still take up a "slot" so once you hit 18 and are alternating CoD and DDD, you can't throw in a bellow without cancelling one of the DoTs. Boo for devs making us less OP ;)

On the other hand, I guess I don't really need to juggle three instruments like I did on live.

The level 55 and 63 nukes do not pulse and can be casted while twisting 2 songs. They have a recast, but they also stun.
Thanks for the answers, I'm getting more used to playing the new way, it ain't bad. Kind of annoying at times, but not bad at all.
Oh, and another reason for the change was that at one point in time, a character having 7 different bard songs affecting them at once crashed the zone.
Well, that does make sense!

The only thing I don't like is that you have to /endsong just to end a single song (Ex: want to end mez song, have to end ALL songs), which, when joined with the first up/first gone rule, becomes annoying when you want to add one song to the melody.

But other than that, I'm getting pretty used to it. I actually ate something when I was playing the other day, somethign I could never do with a Live bard.
You can actually just crouch to end detrimental songs. You don't have to /cm endsong. Be aware though that if you're twisting (lets say casting two dots) and you do dot 1, then land dot 2, when you crouch only dot 2 will be stripped and the first dot will continue to run it's duration.
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