barbute of purity walkthrough


Dalayan Beginner
So i read the thread on what to post or not, and didnt see anything about a walkthrough on a quest. Everyone gets the Soulfire, but i think the other Thurgadin quest item for pallys is also fun and challenging, the Barbute of Purity. This is just an attempt at a simple walkthrough to make it easier for you than it was for me. Thanks to Seare, for the final piece of information regarding Kedge Keep, and the two replies on my other post involving Barbute of Purity.

So right off the bat, if you want this quest to be easy, its nice to have a druid with 200 Sense Heading skill, because you will benefit greatly from it, with enduring breath, invis, and ability to port. I did both starfall quests and Barbute of Purity at the same time.

As far as the quest, you can gather the items before you run to Thurgadin, but if you go, talk to Artificer Fedur, in the cleric guild in Thurgadin. He will tell you you need 3 items, A Flowmetal Barbute, Focus of Thought, and Rites of Purity.

Flowmetal Barbute: This item drops off of "a tasdrakh outcast", that swims around the only island in Storm Sea. My friends druid had a 90ish skill in swimming and was a good bit faster than him. He swims a little further out than i imagined, but if you swim down, and find the steep shelf that really drops off from the island, down to the ocean floor, he swims in a circle around the island, just beyond that shelf. He swims with his head just below the actual surface of the water, so here again, he is hard to find, and a druid can track him. Very helpful. He is not as tough as i heard some say, my friends 65 druid took him easy. He has high HP's, but nothing rediculous. He runs out of mana fast, and doesnt hit that hard. Is immune to stun/fear/snare, i believe. He can kill the druid pet if you dont heal, but even quick heals are sufficient to keep him alive all day, to give you an idea of his power. Not that powerful. He drops the flowmetal barbute every time, i believe.

Focus of Thought: This one took some time. First, you have to find the mobs that drop it, they are "a liodreth thought mage", in Lair of Paw. Once again, invis is a great help in getting there. So look at your map, once you enter Paw. You can see the water lines, so follow the path until you get to what looks like a big body of water in the center of the map. When you get there you will be on a bridge over the water. Jump in. Youll see some lions on a shelf where you can get out, and youll see a shallow river of water leading away from the bigger pool you just jumped in. follow that trail of water and it will get a little deeper. Root around in that stream, and you will see a hidden cave underwater, that takes you to where the thought mages are. They are not a guaranteed spawn, and focus of thought is a pretty rare drop, so prepare to be posted up here awhile. 65 druid cleared three rooms in minutes. There is also a rare spawn in the back room here that drops trackless boots. Tough mob, conned dark blue to 65, but still went down. A Shadow Outcast? Or something of that nature. Anyways. Theres three rooms there, the thought mages spawn at random, 2 in the first room on the left, several in the room blocked by the axes(jump over them), and 3 in the room on the right. A single also spawns right where you get out of the water. Long story short, kill enough thought mages, the focus of thought drops.

Rites of Purity: This is a ground spawn, in Kedge Keep, the loc is on the wiki, -170, -36, 93. That didnt help me one bit, lol. Credit to Seare, for this information, and once again, a druid that can give you enduring breath and invis, is a godsend here. Once you got your breath, and the tough sharks and fish cant see you, zone into Kedge Keep. The first tunnel down is in the middle of the first room, with a hammerhead swimming around. Go down that tunnel until you come to the next room, dont keep going down the center. Look around you, and youll see 4 paths, 3 have a gate, 1 does not. You want to go through the south gate, and if you dont knoww which one is south, thats fine. click open all 3 gates, and the south one is the only one with a path that goes through the ceiling behind it, with two hammerheads swimming there. Swim up that path and to the back. youll see two pirahna of some sort, and right between them, lies your Rites of Purity. Pick it up, and swim out.

Any helpful information i left out, or questions regarding the quest, lemme know. Hope it helps.
Rites of Purity: This is a ground spawn, in Kedge Keep, the loc is on the wiki, -170, -36, 93. That didnt help me one bit, lol.

So help the next person who looks at the wiki and add the info you posted here to it. ;) It is totally player maintained; just sign up for an account, log in, and add away!
*shrug* stealing and editing the guide to finding Rites of Purity and adding it myself, cause I'm the wiki-mom apparently. Crediting you in the page history, gitz7vs. We STILL don't have the item stats for this, hint hint.
*shrug* stealing and editing the guide to finding Rites of Purity and adding it myself, cause I'm the wiki-mom apparently. Crediting you in the page history, gitz7vs. We STILL don't have the item stats for this, hint hint.

You could fomelo Gnunder for them. ;)
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