barbute of purity help.....


Dalayan Beginner
So i got the quest, and set out to collect the items.

Finally found the tasdrakh outcast in Storm Sea. Looted Flowmetal Barbute.

Killed Liodreth Thought Mages for hours upon hours, until i got one to drop Focus of Thought.

And i have a loc, -170, -36, 93, for the ground spawning Rites of Purity, in Kedge Keep, except for the fact that KK is a tough, tough zone, and from what i can tell, the Rites are nowhere near the entrance, and the y axis loc is complicated, especially when youre scared to death. Lol.

So my obvious question is, does anyone have any specific directions on where to head to find the rites? Once i get them, i want to post a walkthrough on this quest, as there is limited information on it, presently. Thanks in advance for any help!
Enduring breath and invis are your friends here. You can tool around in there for quite awhile with those, iirc.

I think it's towards the back, on the bottom, in a little cutaway. Someone verify?
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yeah, i got some druid help, but you know those mobs that do "the air shimmers...." thing, lol. they see through your invis. then pain and suffering punches you in the face. and then you feel bogus, as an unknown spell accosts you. anyways, i have no experience with KK, so by the back, do you mean what would be the top of the map, or north-ish, on the map? gonna go searching in a bit. thanks for the reply.
It's not that far from the entrance, and you can invis all the way there. If I remember correctly, it's in room number 4 on the EQAtlas Map.

So, go down halfway in the entry room, go south into the side room, then take the tube up and you're there. Kind of a let-down after the anticipation of danger. =P

"the air shimmers...." is a trap going off, not a mob aggroing. ;) You're in the wrong place if you set off a trap.
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