Barbarian Beastlord newbie quests


Dalayan Beginner
Earlier this morning i looked up on the Wiki for some newbie quests for my new beastlord, found out that barbarian beastlords have quest armour, i was like hey, excellent. so i read about what items were needed and i began collecting, got the components to the first 2 pieces so i ran back to Halas, hailed the Beastlord trainer and she gave me some dialogue with [Who are the Wildkin?] at the bottom, obviously i typed that and another paragraph came up with the reply [I am seeking work.]

So i type "I am seeking work." nothing happens, i try several different lines, including "What task?" posted on the wiki and i got absolutely nothing out of her, very fustrating as it took me a few hours to collect the components, i thought maybe that was the reason she wouldn't give me the Box, so i gave the components to my RL friend and tried again, nothing. I'd like to know if the quest is broken or if i'm doing something wrong. Thanks in advance! :D
You didn't really say in your first post, are you actually a barbarian beastlord? Or did you just go to halas because of the quests? The quest is only doable by barbarians(and is working fine, I just did it yesterday).

The only possible problems I've found with this quest series so far is that there are no hail responses for most of the armor pieces. I'm working on getting that corrected though.
The Barbarian Beastlord newbie Quests are broken. (unless I am doing something really wrong)
Like Smickers, I have tried many combinations of *what task* and *I am seeking work*, with two different Barbarian Beastlords (I started a second one, thinking that the first was corrupted somehow), but have been unable to get Vylva to give out any of the newbie quests.
I also posted on the buglist, but that seems to have been removed.
Consdiering the vast workload required to keep SoD functioning at all, I am resigned to accept that fixing it has been delegated to a low priority...

It's not a low priority. I honestly went through the quest Friday and found it in working order. The dialogue choices worked properly as well. The problem is I can't find anything wrong with the quest other than missing hail responses for most every piece of armor she offers, which is something I'll be correcting.
I didn't mean to sound facetious - I just understand how busy the maintenance and debugging must keep you.
I made another 1st level Barbarian Beastlord just to test and she still wouldn't respond.
Could it be that a bug is introduced by having later EQ expansions installed? (I do run the SoD patcher to start the game every time).
I will try to install EQ on my laptop (only up to the LDoN Expansion) and test this out tonight. I will let you know if it fixes anything.
I can't get past the "I am seeking work." line either. Hopefully something shows up soon that needs to be fixed, I know y'all are working on it. :D
Have any of you guys having problems done anything silly like kill citizens or the dogs in town?
Ok, this *should* be fixed. It was a problem of requiring a higher faction than barbarian beastlords start with. Let me know if you have any problems from here out.
She finally responds now - thank you very much!

(I was wondering why Barbarian Beastlords start off with Apprehensive faction to their trainer, but I must have missed it in the Lore somewhere.)
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