Baene Drakfyre - new!


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone!

I was a long time EQLive player, starting with the original, and working my way up past PoP on Live, but i haven't played at all in the last couple of years. I ran across this server on a "Top 100" list, and it sounded great! So i'm re-installing my EQ and will endeavor to play here with all of you fine folks. My original server was Tholuxe Paells, which was later merged with The Rathe server if i remember correctly. I ran a pretty large guild at one point in my EQ "Career" called Wicked Ways. We had a lot of fun, and i'm hoping to re-live some of that old EQ magic!

Thanks for hosting the server, and i look forward to all this crazy installing and patching to END, so i might play :D

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