Bad username/pass also same for eqemu forums


Dalayan Beginner
After patching I tried to log into WR server, bad username/pass. So I head to EQEmu forums to log in, also bad username pass, used forgot pword option and my email addy doesn't have an acct registered to it either?
From what I understand, EQemu kills accounts that have not logged into their forums for greater than 3 months. That may be the issue. If so I believe I heard one of the mods here say that you can get your characters back by creating a new account with EQemu and asking (nicely) one of the WR staff to move your characters to the new account.

Good luck.. I hope you get it figured out.
I'm having the same problem but my user name and password are still active on all the boards. It's when i log into the game that i get it at the password screen. Any help please? Thanks.
I have a similar problem. I created an extra account while EQEmu was going through its problems and when things were sorted out i was not able to reclaim that account. It was suggested on the eqemu forums that i simply recreate the account which i have done. the account now passes the login server but when loging into WR i get error 1017.
is it possible to recover this account?
the account name is Moridin
Anonymous said:
I have a similar problem. I created an extra account while EQEmu was going through its problems and when things were sorted out i was not able to reclaim that account. It was suggested on the eqemu forums that i simply recreate the account which i have done. the account now passes the login server but when loging into WR i get error 1017.
is it possible to recover this account?
the account name is Moridin

Any GM able to help me out with this?
This is a known problem. If your account gets deleted and you recreate it, you will get 1017 when trying to connect to WR. I think Wiz is the only one able to help you with that.
Homogenn said:
This is a known problem. If your account gets deleted and you recreate it, you will get 1017 when trying to connect to WR. I think Wiz is the only one able to help you with that.

Any chance of a fix WIZ?
Same deal

Im also getting the 1017 after recreating my accounts..
acounts: 'Mergal & 'Mergel'
Please help :p
This was posted when Wany was still on hiatus. He can help you with this issue, if you ask him nicely.
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