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Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, I was very happy to find a community that is actively playing EQ. I hope to meet many of you as I relearn a game I enjoyed greatly from 1999 until around 2004.

I played a mage and necro primarily on live with a warrior thrown in for a change of pace. SoD looks GREAT for the hour of play I have in. The question I have is this; Where am I? I started a DE Necro expecting to be in the DE home, but find myself in Grobb with the lizards and Ogres. Should I be leveling up in this area, moving to my home area or working on the main quest?

Thank you for a push in the right direction.
Take your knowledge of EQ lore and pitch it in the bin. SoD is completely customized. Lore and background story, zone connections, zone names, items, mobs, all (well, mostly) different. Check out the wiki to learn more.
I just started playing here as well, I dont know why I picked a necro but its pretty fun. I expected to start off in my newbie city as well but I woke up in the sewers of newport. Hopefully someone has guided you like me and adviced you to dump all your stat points into chr. I think it helps us caster types!
To answer the original posts question:
You shouldn't have to go too far to find mobs to kill to start leveling. Just like in Live the level 1 to 5 stuff is right around where you first show up in the game. In your instance, hit backspace to bring up your map and head out of Grobb. Kill all the bugs and low level stuff you can find in the area closest to the Grobb guards and slowly make your way out and explore as you gain levels. Also, since you are in Grobb there are a few nice low level quests that you can pick up from your respective class leaders. Hail them and see what they have to say.
Don't worry about the main quest (MQ) for now. There is no rush and there is no set level for doing the MQ. My advice would be to level to 10 or so and ask lots of questions in Dalaya's Beginners. Mostly, the folks there are new with a few old timers playing alts atm. They should know the answer to most questions.
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