back to EQ :)


Dalayan Beginner
Hey SoD, ive been playing EQ on and off since it hit shelves forever ago, i wanted to get back into playing and SoD sounds like it may be a lil fun and "faster" so hopefully it doesnt take me years to get back to where i was lol, but on regular EQ i was one of the best gimp'd out necros around, and hope to start that back up again :) i have ALL of the expansions, when i read through the guide telling me how to set up the server it said "minimum of ********* titanium" my titanium discs are broken and spread around the united states lol, so hope my Secrets of Feydwer set works lol i have a feeling it wont, cuz nufn in life is simple lmfao hope to see you all in game soon!
Welcome to the server. I encourage you to not just rush the lower levels. They can be very rewarding times. I encourage you to start your Main Quest fairly early as well as the Newport ring quest. They are fun and offer nice gear early on. The Adepts also give you mini-raid opportunities at all levels.

I hope you enjoy the server as much as I do.
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