Back to Dalaya and having a few questions.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all! I played sod a while ago but barely explored it so I don't remember much and thus consider myself a newbie. I am currently installing the game and patching so it is time for a few questions =)

1- from what I read on the forum, players box a LOT. Is it possible to play sod with a single character?

2- Are sod players usually friendly to grouping in low levels or do I have to expect to solo 100% of the time?

3- If soloing is the usual option, can a rogue or a sk do ok? (would like to not play a caster type class)

Thank you for your time!<
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1 - I briefly tried 2-boxing and didn't really take to it. Since then, I have gone solo with one character (Tamm the rogue) and convinced my wife to play together with another one. The solo character seemed to do okay, but I left him hanging a bit when I started adventuring with my wife.

2 - Most of the players I have bumped into seemed friendly, even if the global-channels get rather... heated, but actual encounters with people my own level-range were few and far between. This is not a very densely-populated server.

3 - I managed to solo a rogue up to about lvl 15 fairly easily. The Newport rogues' guild has a nice set of quests for getting you going and (as long as you don't mind grinding) the Kelethin armour quests kind of pick up where they left off. Once you get the stance which allows back-stabs from in front, it gets easier. The first couple of levels were hard, but you can (I later discovered) gain a magic weapon from an NPC just outside Newport just for advancing to level 2 and the first part of main-quest is both easy and gives enough XP to get you up to lvl 2 on its own.
It depends what where you start and how willing you are to go out of your way to groups. A majority of people solo up to 20 or so but there are still almost always people willing to do small (3 ish) groups if you travel. Many people play only one character and do just fine - just expect things to be a little more slow going at first.

The people who do not "find" groups are normally those who expect to literally walk into them in game. Using global channels you can normally find someone willing to team up.
Take full advantage of Dalaya's Beginners too! It is the guild everyone starts in - you can usually find groups there (especially during peek hours) for exping, adepts, and some of the larger beginner quests (like newport ring.) People tend to be pretty snide/rude/weird in OOC by comparison sometimes, and most guilds start recruiting at level 65 so you shouldn't need to be in any rush to leave usually.

You can also find a lot of game information on the wiki. There is a generic leveling guide linked from the front page you might find useful, and the quest timeline can help you find quests appropriate for your level. (The wiki is running super slow and requires user log in tonight though - this isn't normal, I promise!)
I'm the number 3 wizard on the server, and my highest alt is level 21.

Yes, you can do without 2boxing.

As far as grouping goes, it's handy to know the zoneshortnames of zones you'd want to group in. I find getting groups in the level 10-20 isn't that difficult if I do "/who all shroudisle" and ask the people there if they could fit a (example: level 13 shaman) in their group if I were to make my way there. That seems to be my most successful method. Plus, I get to meet new people that way.

Oh, and welcome back to Shards of Dalaya!
Thank you everyone for all the answers! Seems like I will have a blast in SoD, I'm not a player who is looking to level up fast nor am I lazy in my travels so I guess I will do fine. Thanks for the tips also I will make good use of the wiki if I can get it to load faster. Strangely it takes forever to load and it's only happening with SoD wiki lol. I'll go with the rogue, I know it's usually not considered a solo friendly class but I never played one before.
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