Back in the SoD groove

Renieni Tremelo

Dalayan Beginner
Hey all,
I am getting back online after having a year and a half break. Just couldn't find the time after my daughter was born, but now my schedule has freed up a bit. I purchased Titanium since that was a new requirement this time around, so I thought I would activate my old EQ account as well. Let's just say that after a few days I re-cancelled the Live account and have been having fun in SoD. Being back here reminds me why I loved this server in the first place....
I'm one of those crazy folk who love playing bards (yeah, I actually was disappointed that twisting was gone in SoD!), so if you see Renieni speeding around please say hello! I am currently unaffiliated guild-wise since my play time tends to be random, but any casual types out there send me a shout!
Glad to be back, and thanks for making such a fun server to play on.

Renieni...24 bard
Riyin...23 necro
Safree...16 druid
Welcome back to SoD.

I've decided to clean out my bank by sending your bard items.

Enjoy the Flute of the Fribbit.
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