Back! From 1 year ago today. 'ish


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I haven't been on SoD much here recently due to my girlfriend and I having our very first son! I have just as well been playing an WoW private server, name is disclosed, as a GM. It's gotten pretty boring there, and I found myself on YouTube looking up video's of SoD too rekindle my desire for this game. It has succeeded and now I have found myself here introducing myself for the second time. My name is Masamurium, I used to play as Drogula about a year or so ago now... I hope to see you all in game soon. ^_^

I haven't retired my position as GM of the other server, so I'll mostly be playing while i'm doing tickets on the other game. >_<
You didn't miss much, still no expansion.

Bind On Equip will probably be new to you...I don't remember when that was implemented / I'm too lazy to check.
Gratz on the kiddo!

BoE been longer than a year, I wanna say it was March of 2008? Too lazy to dig, it's on the forum though.
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