Back again.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, I'm back after a 7 month leave. My previous toons were Grisok, a 33 shaman, and Glisok, a 37 monk, and I'm sure only a few of you knew me in game.  I came here with some ex-guildmates from the EQLive server Drinal.  We were a raiding guild and for a long time we were the 3rd furthest progressed guild until we disbanded when WoW and EQ2 came out, that and getting everyone Time flagged was a beetch. So yeah, I'm back and chose to abandon Grisok and Glisok due to the hard time getting groups and the inability to 2 box anymore because of crashes. I decided to create a Iksar Necromancer named Darfler in hopes to solo most of the way to lvl 65. Hope to see you all in game soon. :OD
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