Back Again to Norrath...At Long Last!


Dalayan Beginner
After a very long break from the World of Norrath, I have returned. I have never tried playing EQ this way, but as I am now at a lower end job, this is pretty much the only way I can return.

I look forward to standing upon the ground of Norrath and running my blade through mine enemies!!!

This is not Norrath, this is Dalaya. :)

You'll find some differences, read the rules, read the Tome of Knowledge, check the Wiki. Welcome!
Yeah like... if EQL is Bud Light that you bought, then SOD is like if you show up at a party and someone says "Don't drink that have some decent beer instead...nah you don't have to pay me if you don't want to. Drink up!"

They're the same but different... :)
Canhona said:
Hmm. SoD=Free Beer.

Never thought of it that way.

Yeah but get beer that's BETTER than the beer you had to pay for. Pretty neat eh?
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