Auto Stand and other key binds


Dalayan Beginner
just started today nd was wondering if auto stand even works, i turn it on but can't move while sitting, i also changed my target nearest pc to TAB and it doesnt work either, can u not change keybinds on this server?
You can change key bindings, and I suggest you do so!

The auto stand does not work.
Nearest NPC sometimes works very well and sometimes doesn't. I believe it is a Z axis issue with this client.
You haven't noticed but target rings potentially don't work either (depending on your graphics card.)

I believe that the upcoming client upgrade will resolve these problem, but one of the developers would have to comment. It sounds like they are getting relatively close with the upgrade so that is a good thing.

Also, welcome to the server!
You can change keybindings under the options menu (which is alt+O maybe? I dunno cause I changed it lol).
Auto stand currently does not work but the highly anticipated 2.5 release should fix that and a dozen dozen other things.
Nearest target, like Daffie said, is a bit wonky in certain places.
Welcome to the server. I would highly recommend you consider boxing two characters together, looking into the mainquest and faction offshoots, and ask any questions you have in Dalayan Beginners (the guild all new characters are automatically in) as that is almost always the fastest and least sarcastic place to get advice.
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