Audio Files, pfs/wav encoding


Dalayan Beginner
I'm trying to cobble together some higher-quality sound files for use in EQ. (Thunder, rain, doors come to mind straight away). Getting relevant sounds is no problem, extracting the files where the sounds are kept is no problem (so replacing them is trivial). But now I'm stuck.

Does anyone know how to repackage a wav into a pfs?

If I can get this, I'll be laughing, and I can approach Mr. Wiz for validation.

This is pretty cool. I remember that sound effects pre-Luclin sounded higher quality than they do now. You can especially hear it in footstep sounds, when you're near a beach, and fire spell casting. I hope you're successful in this cause I would definately use it.
Well, that's the thing. I know Wiz liked the idea of someone redoing the models, so I hope he won't be angry at me for trying to do this. Also, apart from the compression techniques used it's probably one of the easier things to change, it just involves changing entire files. I'll need to do research to see if there's a maximum file size/track length (I would love to increase the size of the rain sound, the looping drives me mad).

It's not much, it won't be big or difficult, but it'll make the game seem that little bit more realistic.

Oh, the big one is the inventory noises, especially cash *grin*
Yeah old coin tinkling sound was better =p . If you have the old EQ CD (or EQ + RoK) try loading up the tutorial. It still has old sounds. You can definately hear a difference.
Thanks - got alot of the environment sounds down easy (free audio clips, yummy), but that'll be good. I know about the degredation in sound that Luclin caused, my flatmate was telling me about it. fact...

If they're in the same format as the current audio files, it shouldn't be too big a deal to replace them completely!

Might be named differently though.

Hmmm, I shall investigate.
If you need any help with this let us know, sounds like a fantastic idea!
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