Attempting to Restablish


Dalayan Beginner
Every 15 minutes or so I get disconnected and then I can't login for another 15 or so minutes. I get stuck at "Establishing connection with log in server" and both my characters get kicked out and unable to log back in. I tried Repatching All but to no avail. Please help I'm getting annoyed. I put the program as allowed in my firewall and using AVG. My ping is 50-60 and i'm 0.0% on boxed characters and both characters get disconnected. It can't be my internet either, any other game causes no issues.
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the issue has been resolved by itself naturally on one client. I will attempt to use two clients again (they are registered accounts different to each other). I only attempted to use it with a box when it was disconnecting every 15 minutes. Only recently did i start using one account online with no issues. I'll report back to see if the box is messing up again.
K well its not completely resolved just disconnected me out after about 2 hours of playing, wasnt doing this yesterday was logged in for 8 hours and no problems. I think its because I enabled my AVG enabled and it was disabled when i had no problems during the 8 hours of playing with no disconnect.
Interesting, I also have AVG (free edition) and have never had a problem. Although, I know that AVG has caused problems for others in the past.

Out of curiosity, are you using the pay version?
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