Attempting to change XML


Dalayan Elder
i use an older SoD specific UI (or atleast pieces of one) that changes the combat abilities window into 8 clickable inv buttons, (primary secondary feet and face) and 4 bag slots.

i have been trying to change the slots at are displayed in game to somewhere more useful like back, belt, neck, rings, and ears items but have had little luck without crashing.

here is a snipit from teh face slot:

<InvSlot item="CopyOfFace">

and then the only other thing i see that could be bugging the code could be.

<Screen item="CombatAbilityWnd">
<ScreenID />
<Text>Combat Abilities</Text>
<Pieces>CopyOfInventory Right 4</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfInventory Left 4</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfInventory Left 3</Pieces>
<Pieces>CopyOfInventory Right 3</Pieces>

any help would be appreciated. this is what i tried already.

<InvSlot item="InvSlot20">
I've had them crash for any number of reasons I was unaware would be an issue. Like trying to use text size of 5 instead of 4 or 6 in a certain spot. It could be anywhere in the code.

However, do you have a known working version of the interface piece and you are just trying to change out the slots? If so you really only need to change the EQType and to a lesser extent the Background fields if I remember right.

I modded the group window into an 8 slot clicky window, you can compare code with that if you like the EQUI_GroupWindow.xml
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