Arena Master - Allied Faction Turn In Bug


Dalayan Beginner
Earring of the Arena (Stormkeep drop) when turned in to Empress in DHK with Allied faction gives back a reward of a faction bound Swirling Portal Staff instead of an Earring upgrade.

*EDIT - appears all the Arena Masters loot table turn in's are bugged ... Idol of Melee turns in and comes back as an upgraded/faction bound Frostbitten Band, guessing if the Staff is turned in you get the upgraded earring.
Please advise when this is corrected so I may notify guild members they are clear to turn in these items again.
Update: Also, Cane of the Champion drop off Arzog the Champion is also part of this turn in bug problem, it spits out an Idol of Melee instead.
Quest: Ally Dragon Factionbound quest
Zone: Dragonhorn Keep
Quest NPC name: Empress Penerlia
Got ally and turned in items to recieve the faction bound upgrade (Some give back a different item than what was handed to empress)

Empress Penerlia says, 'You are welcome in my presence, Halisstra. I have been told by my Advisors of your deeds in our service. Do you seek my counsel? Have you a tribute of Stormhammer artifacts to offer?'
- [What is this tribute?]

Empress Penerlia says, 'The Stormhammers have skilled artificers, and much of their prowess in war is owed to the equipment they carry on their personas. I wish to see this equipment removed from their hands, preferably after the previous owner is dead. Should you manage this feat, you may bring the giant-made artifacts to me. I shall personally use a measure of my skill to further enhance their powers so that you may turn them on their makers. All I ask in return is to brand the artifact in question with a Mark of Loyalty, surely not an unreasonable request.'

Item turned in: Earring of the Arena (drops from Arena Master) ---> Reward: Swirling Portal Staff (drops from Arena Master)
Item turned in: Swirling Portal Staff (drops from Arena Master) ---> Reward: Bracelet of Absorption (drops from High Priest Coralsha)
Item turned in: Idol of Melee (drops from Arena Master) ---> Reward: Frostbitten Band (drops from Arena Master)
Item turned in: Cane of the Champion (drops from Arzog the Champion) ---> Reward: Idol of Melee (drops from Arena Master)

** All items handed in for quest drop from NPCs in Stormkeep **
** All rewards were faction bound **
Item IDs may be wrong or put in the wrong place of code, not really sure I know very little about computers and coding of games.
So does this mean that of the items that can be upgarded into faction bound versions will coem back correctly and not as something else?
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