Are thre multiple server IPs?


Dalayan Beginner
Are there multiple server IPs?

My campus uses ip prioritization, so during peak hours SOD is all but impossible to play unless I am in (and remain in) a city. Other zones lag like crazy, as does zoning into other zones. Generally after campus traffic dies down (1am-3am) bandwidth is freed up and I can pirate/play SOD at my leisure.

Anyway, I've got on that list, just curious if there are other IPs I can add that can alleviate this problem? (I'm assuming cities don't lag because they're attached to this IP, and other zones are not)

If so, can I have them? heh
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Same problem still.
Guessing there is only 1 server so it's just a bandwidth issue on my end?

Oh yeah, when I do netstat I get the same server just differing ports, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask incase there was another server being used when I haven't tried to netstat.
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