Arch Sultan Radriz


Dalayan Beginner
Me and my boys where doing Arch Sultan Radriz yesterday and noticed some bugs, they insta killed one of our maintanks on first AE who where at 100% hp at the time, (the one who was tanking) ae does 5k dmg but tank had 10k hp so shouldent be able to do so. And it also messed 2 of our tanks at the same time when we put in third tank.

we tried 3 times, same thing. any thing new intended, or as me thinks this is a bug please reply / test this.
Thats how he rolls afaik, have 3 tanks, and also MOTSS so they cant critc AoE and pwn ur tank down.
Done him 3 times before, never been an issue with insta gib tanks, and msg log dident say anything about any dmg atall

killed the one you're referring to w/o any problems whatsoever.

Def. something wrong on your end, not his.
It has critted for ever since I can remember, get a tank close to of over 10k hp and put a spell and melee rune on him if that happens. That way if it crits it buys you a second to cap him.
Wizard mobs have the ability to crit on their spells. While his mez is unresistable, his nuke is not iirc.
all you need is a warrior w/ 7500 hp (this is w/ stam buffs) b4 hp buffs.

pot 400
bp 150
raego 1300
rfocus 455
SSS 330

on mez throw a runecloak for 1325 and spell shield for 700 and your good to go. Add mots if you have by then and its that much easier.
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