Arcane Rune


Dalayan Beginner
Please add the enc spell arcane rune into game because with mez being fixed, we need that spell to stay alive in upper tier zones, ala cmal3. Otherwise, even with rune 6, we get fowned.

The main reason I chose the enc class months and months ago was in the hopes that the levels would be increased one day to 65 specifically for 2 spells: Command of Druzzil and Arcane Rune. I doubt you'll ever put Druzzil in, so my second best hope is for Arcane Rune. Enc take more dps from trash mobs in Cmal than some raid mobs on live. We need Arcane Rune.

Also, while I'm here, Aggro on Bedlam is perhaps the greatest single aggro spell in the game. I think this is a bug.


" Enc take more dps from trash mobs in Cmal than some raid mobs on live."

This is so true. A single resist in cmalath on a 2pull in basement is death, the enchanter will not be able to get another mez off, and stuns dont work. The only way to get around a single resist being death is to have other casters all try and root th emob while you mez, and hope to time it all right. Enchanters could really use some sort of additional defense. I already have subtle mez 3 btw
Wiz... I think the chanters are just looking for a self rune that doesn't cost them a whooping 12PP to cast. Maybe just a 500 - 600 point rune.
I would take Arcane Rune with dot cost. I don't care. I would rather live. I'm not sure what is this resistance to the spell, wiz, seeing as most mobs upper level encs fight do more dps than their counterparts on live, yet live enc have double the ac/hp. Hell, my necro had twice my hp and 400 more ac in SoV, before PoP mudflation. Make the spell 65 only if you're worried about misuse. But I haven't heard a good counterargument for putting the spell in the game. Agaisnt little mobs, I can chain Rune 6 mysefl and stay alive for a long time. That is 1 or 2 hits versus the stuff I'd like to live an extra round against. Anyway... it makes me want to reroll as a shaman.

yvin said:
I would take Arcane Rune with dot cost. I don't care. I would rather live. I'm not sure what is this resistance to the spell, wiz, seeing as most mobs upper level encs fight do more dps than their counterparts on live, yet live enc have double the ac/hp. Hell, my necro had twice my hp and 400 more ac in SoV, before PoP mudflation. Make the spell 65 only if you're worried about misuse. But I haven't heard a good counterargument for putting the spell in the game. Agaisnt little mobs, I can chain Rune 6 mysefl and stay alive for a long time. That is 1 or 2 hits versus the stuff I'd like to live an extra round against. Anyway... it makes me want to reroll as a shaman.


Maybe we're focusing more on enchanter DPS than on enchanter tanking.

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