Aradyns 9/30 PuG


Dalayan Beginner
Aradyns General Pick Up Raid Rules:

Non-Primary (trash) MOBs:
-Coins and droppable loots are claimed by me at at all times.
-No-Drop loots will be randomed off to the classes that can use them. They do not count as a "looted item" against the main mob.
-Keys/Potential Key items are claimed by me at all times in all raids. If I have the key or multiple keys drop, I may choose to designate someone else to loot the key. I reserve the right to assign all keys (lore or not) to the same individual. I believe some mob keys need to be won via guilds on not PuGs and may at my discretion have the key destroyed. I will state exclusions if otherwise.

Named-Mob Drops: Unless otherwise stated in below posts:
-Relic spells are randomed off the highest roller will receive them. These count as a "looted item"
-Artifact Relics are randomed off. The highest roller will receive the item. These count as a "looted item"
-Spell Components: The "full page" wizard archaic piece is claimed by me at all times. All Runic Wizard spell pieces are claimed by me. All other spell pieces are randomed off to the class that can use them and are the only no-drop item that does not count as a "looted item" on main mobs.
-No-Drop Items will be randomed off to the class that can use them, unless otherwise stated. These count as a "looted item"
-Coins and droppable loots are claimed by me at all times.
-Keys/Potential Key items are claimed by me at all times in all raids. If I have the key or multiple keys drop, I may choose to designate someone else to loot the key. I reserve the right to assign all keys (lore or not) to the same individual. I believe some mob keys need to be won via guilds on not PuGs and may at my discretion have the key destroyed. I will state exclusions if otherwise.

Randoming Rules:
I will declair the random number to random an item. The number will be randomed by any characters wishing to receive the item currently being randomed on. The dice will be thrown using /ran ##Number declared## giving a random between 0 and the number declared and a 5 second count down will be declared when I feel sufficient and fair time has passed. At the end of the count, the highest roller will be declared the winner of that item. Each character may win 1 looted item off each BOSS. In the event that someone is boxing, each character is treated independantly, as I have no way of verifying who is boxed and who is not on raids. For items declared rots, defaulted due to class, have only 1 roller, or are listed as not counted toward loot items, will not count as a looted item, and the character may random on future items. If two or more people random on an item then choose to pass down to the lowest roller, this is counted as a default/rot item and will not count against the person rolling. Rolls lower than the winning/looting number are counted in all cases as a roll. In the event that a character wins the randoms on two or more items, they must declare which item they wish to receive. Their alternate items are then forfit to the next highest roller during the roll duration. If a character has already looted the item they wish to forfit, they may not loot/win the second item they have won the random on.

Unless that char is out of zone/unable to random on their own, only the char wishing to receive the item may random for it. If person X wins, they may not hand the item to person Y. If person X wins, and does not need/cannot use the item/randomed on a wrong char/does not wish to loot the item, the item and roll are forfit at that point and the next highest roller is the winner on that item.

In cases where the character is unreachable during linkdeath, blinds lasting longer than normal, the mob killed the character and the corpse is at an unreasonable resurrection distance, keyboard bugs, and any other valid reason that would inhibit the character to be at the Bosses corpse and able to random. If a character is unreachble for more than 3 minutes after the Bosses death, that member is required to have their dice thrown by themselves at the corpse or a representative declared by myself thrown prior to the end of the 5 second count for that item. In cases where it is not declared that an item was wanted, the winner at the end of the 5 second count is final. In the cases where it was declared that a character wanted an item, and is unable to random on it, I will designate myself or another member to random for that person. Once the dice are thrown on behalf of that person, they are final. If the person returns, they may not throw the dice a second time to try for a higher number.

These are my standard raiding rules. They may change from time to time, but should remain standard. Any exceptions to this set of rules is on a raid by raid basis and will be listed below:

We will not be hitting all these mobs, but if we do, here is whats claimed.

-Whirlwind claimed for random between Ishlana and Frilid
-Lurking Cloak claimed for frilid
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