Antique Bracer/Vambs typos and bug


Dalayan Beginner
Once you reach the part with Guardsman Kombe you say one of three phrases "I agree, I disagree, or I don't care", but ask to help him, he doesn't say anything after that to actually give you the quests; the dialogue stops there.

Also, there were a few typos I thought should be mentioned. When you ask about Nolan, he says "Nolan's farm is on the outskirts of West Badlands, dangerous teritory (only 1 r)." Also when you ask about the bracers he says "...while you adventures...(pretty sure he means adventurers, again missing an r). and the last one is ..or 'Wow! What and (rather than "an") amazing robe!"

Those are a few things I picked up, was updating the wiki with the missing text, wasn't sure whether to put the typos or the correct spelling to be completely correct =P. I put the correct spellings on there just in case. Hope this helps, know it's minor stuff.
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