Antique Armour Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I have just killed Farmer Nolan in West Badlands, I am suppose to get a note that leads you to Poulter in North Badlands and Farmer Nolan should drop the Antique Vambracers. Neither items droped from him. Is it possible to get these items or should I try again with killing both named bandits again?
I have now done the whole quest from start to finish. Everything worked except for the items Farmer Nolan is suppose to drop. If not for Wiki then I could not have completed the quest. Twice I have gotten the 2 amulets and given to Nolan, had him attack me, and kill him. Is there anything that can be done? If not no biggie, though you would want to know.
Same, I did the Farmer Nolan part twice on my cleric & he didnt drop anything. I did it in a group with my rogue, then did it solo, niether worked.
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